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A Dialogue between Two Friends about Preparation for the Examination

A Dialogue between Two Friends about Preparation for the Examination
A Dialogue between Two Friends about Preparation for the Examination
Myself        : Hello friend, How do you do?

Friend: I am fine, thank you. Why are you looking so sad?

Myself: Actually I am worried about my final examination What about your preparation for the examination?

Friend: Well, I’m going on well my studies. I am also worried about my exam.

Myself: But tell me about your preparation for different subjects.

Friend: You know I’m weak in English. That’s why I’m taking special care in English. I’m having a detailed revision of other subjects.

Myself: Are you taking help from any special books?

Friend: Yes but I study text books very carefully.

Myself: I see. I must start working with text books. What do you think?

Friend: Yes. I think it’ll be very helpful not only for English but also for other subjects.

Myself: Thank you for your supportive suggestion. I wish you good luck.

Friend: You are most welcome.
Sayem Miaji
Posted by: Sayem Miaji
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